Apostle Joshua Selman delivered a sermon titled “WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE?” at Koinonia Abuja Service on May 14, 2023. In the sermon, he emphasized the importance of being on the Lord’s side, which guarantees protection against the wickedness and chaos in the world. He warned that engaging in business or ministry without the empowerment of divine power can leave one vulnerable to becoming a casualty. It takes power to be wealthy and to retain wealth, and joy will inevitably be absent in one’s life without being in God’s presence on His right side. Choosing the Lord’s side may cause momentary discomfort, but it ultimately leads to a state of rest. To be on the Lord’s side, one must willingly and consciously receive the gift of eternal life. Apostle Selman also discussed the three-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit to creation, unbelievers, and believers.