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RHAPSODY OF REALITIES – Friday, June 2nd 2017


Good Morning Beloved!
RHAPSODY OF REALITIES – Friday, June 2nd 2017
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord (2 Peter 1:2).
Grace and peace are two extremely vital elements you must have working in your life in increasing measure, for you to live the transcendent life that you’ve received in Christ.
What is grace? Grace means more than unmerited favour; it refers to the divine influence on the human spirit. It’s the outworking or outward reflection of the beauty, power, perfection, excellence, virtue and glory of divinity in your human spirit. It’s a supernatural endowment that causes you to flourish and excel in all you do.
Peace means amongst other beautiful things, power over crisis. It’s translated from the Greek word “eir é n é ,” which is akin to the Hebrew word “shalom.” It doesn’t just refer to the peace of being safe from evil and destruction, but to that which brings rest and prosperity. When you have the peace of Jesus Christ, it means you have power over crisis, and are at rest in prosperity.
That’s the kind of life Jesus had when He walked the earth: He was full of grace and truth, and was at rest and in control, every time, every day, everywhere and in all circumstances! Peter tells us that the way to have grace and peace multiplied in your life is through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. You don’t have to pray, “O God, give me more grace,” or “multiply my peace.” You’re to make it happen for yourself, by giving yourself to the acquisition and application of the precise, full and absolute knowledge (Greek-Epignosis) of God.
Too many people are suffering and struggling in life when they ought to be living in the transcendental blessings that have been made available to us in Christ Jesus. The reason they’re suffering is because of ignorance. Get to know more of God; study the Word! Become acquainted with Him through fellowship and meditation on the Scriptures, and His grace and peace will be multiplied in your life.
The grace of God is evident and manifest in my life; I’m blessed and highly favoured in all things. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding guards my heart. I have power over crises and I’m at peace in prosperity! I’m on top, in charge and in control of circumstances, because Christ is in me, and He’s my peace. Blessed be God!
2 Peter 1:5
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
2 Peter 3:18
But grow in grace, and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him [be] glory both now and forever. Amen.
1-Year Bible Reading Plan:
John 17:1-26,
1 Chronicles 9-10
2-Year Bible Reading Plan:
Mark 14:43-52,
Numbers 36
Happy And a Blessed New Month!

RHAPSODY OF REALITIES – Thursday, June 1st 2017


RHAPSODY OF REALITIES – Thursday, June 1st 2017
Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:26-27).
What some Christians assume from our opening scripture is that if Christ is in you, you have a hope of glory in the future. In a sense, that’s correct; if Christ is in you, there’s hope in your life for glory. But what that portion of Scripture means is, Christ in you is the fulfilment of that hope of glory. He’s not saying we have a hope that we’re going to have glory in the future, or in the sweet by and by. The hope that man was looking forward to has been fulfilled in Christ. Christ in you is glory realised.
The latter part of our theme scripture says, “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). This is the revelation or essence of Christianity. The glory that was lost in the Garden of Eden has been restored.
Adam lived in the presence of God and God’s presence was his light. That connection, that relationship, was the glory of God. Adam, and subsequently all men, were cut off from that glory in the Garden of Eden, when he sinned against God by committing high treason.
But now, you don’t have any reason to live outside the glory of God anymore, because the glory is here now; it’s in your spirit. How do you know that your life is excellent and full of glory? It’s because Christ is in you! That’s your hope for a flourishing life in health, prosperity, victory and success. That’s your confidence that you’ll never be defeated in life: Christ in you, your hope of the transcendent life.
Dear Father, I thank you for the indwelling presence of Christ in me; He’s the glory of my life. My life is the manifestation of the glory and righteousness of God. Thank you, blessed Father, for the triumphant life I have in Christ. As I behold the glory of God in the Word, I’m transformed into that same image, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
John 17:22
And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Romans 8:30
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
1-Year Bible Reading Plan:
John 16:17-33,
1 Chronicles 7-8
2-Year Bible Reading Plan:
Mark 14:32-42,
Numbers 35
Happy New And a More Fruitful Month!

New Music: Beyond the Song by Nide Praise


Beyond the song art
Nide Praise releases links to the download of her debut Single titled ‘Beyond the Song’ –  a spirit filled worship song that expresses a desire to reverence the most High God even without the music. Nide praise in this song explains to us what true worship is – far beyond the lyrics, chords, melody and song. A place of total surrender where we get lost in awe of who God is.
Please find links to download Beyond the Song below:

Music: Sammie Okposo – Oghene doh ft Jonathan Nelson

30th of May (yesterday) was the Birthday of Multiple Award winning international artist – Sammie Okposo. In the spirit of this celebration, The Wellu Wellu Master is giving out the previously released song “Oghene Doh” for free download to the world in appreciation for all that God has done. 

Oghene Doh which translates ‘’God, Thank You’’ features American gospel music minister Jonathan Nelson.

Sammie Okposo’s singles Ome Mma featuring Ntokozo Mbambo and his version of Tope Alabi’ssong Oluwa E’tobi featuring Kike Mudiaga, are still available on the Minstrels app, iTunes, Spiricoco and other song selling platforms worldwide.

Go get yours now. Each song download cost NGN100 (Naira) or $1.






By May Olusola
Edited by Leke Beecroft

Ben n myles.jpg

The extraordinary Bible teacher and Founder of Bahamas Faith Ministries International Dr. Myles Munroe who died with his beautiful wife Pastor Ruth Ann Munroe and others in a small plane crash on November 9th, 2014 was among those who rose to prominence through the ministry of Benson Idahosa.
Munroe it is said had so much to share with the world and did so to the best of his ability before he passed on to glory. A speaker, bestselling author and senior pastor of BFMI, Munroe was born into a very poor family. He lived with his parents and 10 siblings in a two-bedroom shack in the Bahamas. They spent their early years sleeping on the floor among rats and cockroaches. At the age of 5, Munroe had his first vision while seated on a heap of dirty clothes. He saw himself as very successful, wearing nice clothes, driving nice cars, and traveling around the world in a private jet. Although too young to grasp what he saw, he took it and stored it in a box of faith to be opened when the time came. In the meantime he occupied his mind with watching television until the day his mother cautioned him, saying, “The more you watch TV, you will never get on TV.” That statement got him thinking and empowered him to substitute the time he was spending watching television with reading books. At the time of his death, he had written many bestselling books.
Munroe formed a successful Christian music group in his teenage years. Although his songs were about his life experiences, they attracted many young people into the Kingdom of God. He worked for the government of the Bahamas for four years as an administrative secretary of education and managed a Bible study fellowship at the same time. He was passionate about seeing people gain knowledge about God, although he had no plan of ever becoming a pastor. In no time, the Bible study outgrew his secular job, and he was about to find out that man can propose but God will dispose if it is not in His will for the individual.
The turning point for Munroe was a trip to attend a religious program in Tulsa, Oklahoma. On one of the program nights the scheduled speaker, the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, wasn’t able to make it. Like a bolt out of the blue, Munroe was chosen to replace him. He spoke at 7:30 p.m. that evening. It was the only evening that week when the media, including TBN and some radio stations, were present. He was at the right place at the right time. He preached about the same Kingdom principles he taught until his death. From that night, his life story was rewritten and his international ministry was born. Book publishers, radio, and TV stations began approaching him.
The late Archbishop Benson Idahosa once said in one of his messages
“Success is Preparation meeting Opportunity”.
Myles Munroe probably listened to that message.

Source: Church Gist

Event: Mega Praise for Mega Victory // @lfc_kano @youthalivekano @themmymusic @bezaleelmusic


Event: Mega Praise for Mega Victory

@lfc_kano @youthalivekano @themmymusic @bezaleelmusic

The Winners’ Voice, Living Faith Church, Kano Choir invites you to yet another moment of praise tagged – Mega Praise for Mega Victory with Pastor Emmanuel Agi (Resident/State Pastor, Living Faith Church, Kano).


This monthly event commenced in the month of April with the theme: Mega Praise for Mega Miracles. There have been records of outstanding instant testimonies from that event some of which include instant healing from Migraine, prophetic deliverance from diverse prolonged demonic operations, among others.
Here comes another opportunity to come Praise God in an unusual way in this month’s Mega Praise for Mega Victory as you take delivery of your Victory from life battles.
Date: Sun., 28th May, 2017.
Venue: The Church auditorium, Living Faith Church, 3 Iroko avenue, Nomansland, Kano
Time: 5:30pm.
Do not be left out this time!

Update: Bezaleel 2017 Sales of Form is still ON @bezaleelmusic @youthalivekano


Update: Bezaleel 2017 Sales of Form

@bezaleelmusic @youthalivekano

Bezaleel Gospel Music Talent Hunt, 2017 sales of form is still ON. Get details from the Image below or Call 07034728693 for inquiries.

Event: EXPRESSION in the synagogue of Diverse Talents featuring Timi Toba, Mista Fave, Jessey Franklin, Sam Sax, MC Musa, MC Nurtin and lots more | @datcooltone @mistafave


Minister Nath Shalom puts together EXPRESSION in the synagogue of Diverse Talents –  a mega event that brings together diverse gospel talents ranging from music, comedy, dance, drama and poetry under one roof. It is an event that has been specially packaged to give unique talents a platform to express their gifts. Indeed it has never been this massive!
The event will be featuring Timi Toba, Mista Fave, Jessey Franklin, Sam Sax, MC Musa, MC Nurtin and lots more. This super mega program shall be taking place on the 28th of May, 2017 by 3pm at the Church auditorium, Christ Chosen church of God Intl., located at 74/76 weatherhead, sabongari, Kano State.
Mark your calendar and be sure to attend as God awaits to bless you massively.







“You Waited”

You came out of your way
You sat down to speak to me
What amazing grace
That you’ve shown – so patientlyAnd you, waited for me
Just for me
For meYou called out my name
Knew my past
Covered my shame
This amazing grace
You’ve shown – so patiently
And You, you waited for me
Just for me, Oh
You, you waited for me
Just for me, for me
Where would I be
If you left me God
You waited

Zion P: White Worship


Pius Paul a.k.a Zion P, the prophetic worshipper of Africa, has announced the date for his White Worship concert. The event would be taking place at Treasured Life Family Church, Zungeru road, Nomansland, Kano, on the 4th of June, 2017 by 4pm prompt.
This event shall be hosting Pst. David Daniel Ekene, the greater tomorrow song writer and singer, as the guest minister. 
Get set for an encounter with God as you participate in this deep prophetic worship session.