Event: Mega Praise for Mega Victory // @lfc_kano @youthalivekano @themmymusic @bezaleelmusic

Event: Mega Praise for Mega Victory @lfc_kano @youthalivekano @themmymusic @bezaleelmusic The Winners' Voice, Living Faith Church, Kano Choir invites you to yet...

Event: EXPRESSION in the synagogue of Diverse Talents featuring Timi Toba, Mista Fave, Jessey...

Minister Nath Shalom puts together EXPRESSION in the synagogue of Diverse Talents -  a mega event that brings together diverse...

Zion P: White Worship

Pius Paul a.k.a Zion P, the prophetic worshipper of Africa, has announced the date for his White Worship concert. The...

SSS Phase II

Event: SSS Phase II set to feature Pastor Elijah Oyelade, Min. Themmy, SSS Crew and lots more | @elijahoyelade @themmymusic @themmy2flight Pastor Elijah...

Event: Abuja to Come Alive with NOW Concert featuring PhilRoberts, ElijahOyelade, DavidG, Samsong, ImaraJoyce...

Every year a mandate to bring together people from different works of life, denomination took the centre stage when NOW...