Exceptional praise and worship leader Mama pure, whose passionate purpose is winning souls, outreaches and touching life with her songs for God, celebrates her birthday with a New Worship medley titled “Worship His Majesty”.
The song was Birthed out of a sincere heart of Gratitude to GOD Almighty, acknowledging ultimately the salvation of my soul with all his done, doing and will still do in my life, family and Ministry with an unreserved Expressions of who GOD (YAHWEH) is to me and how he has helped me.
WORSHIP MEDLEY (song of protection)
1. DARLING JESUS Darling Je…..sus, won’t leave me alone……Master Je…..sus, keep me closer…
You are the reason am standing today
Oh…Jesus..!I love you so much
Solo 1
My provider Jehovah Jireh…
Rock of agesThe pillar of my life
You are the reason am standing today.
Oh…Jesus…!I love you so much
Igbo Verse
Biko Chukwu,
Arapula mu..oh..!
Chukwu bineligwe….biaru mu nso
Irapula mu nnam..gini kamu geme…
Irapu mu oh..!
Nkem ge mene eluwa agula
Onyewem… (3*)
Onye wen… (3*)
You are the reason am standing today
I love you so much
Yoruba verse
Jesu Olorun fero…mafimi sile..eh..
Olorun fero…
fami mo ra..ah…
To ba fimile….nibo ni ma salosi…
To ba fimi sile….
ayie mia dori kodo…
Edo verse
Osa niga, ese wven aye.
Osa wven ni ga,
si me ke gbe…
Una sewven ahe don- wan nigha bulo
Una sewven ahe
Eda gbon wven gha kwulo…oh!
Onye wem (3*)
Onye wem Nkume nkem wusirike
You are the reason why I am standing today
Oh…Jesus..I love you so much..!
Onye wem (3*)
Onye wem
Nkume nkenwusirike
You are the reason am standing today
I love you so much.
Song 2.
Jesus the refuge that covers me…. (2*)
The devil runs to and fro…,
But could not bring me down…..
Jesus the refuge that covers me
Soloist: – Jesus the refuge that covers me (2*)
The devil runs to and fro…, But could not bring me down…..!
*Jesus the refuge that covers me Call-in: now let’s sing Jesus
Response: Jesus the refuge that covers me (2*)
The devil runs to and fro…,
But could not bring me down…..! 2*)
Jesus the refuge that covers me
Jesus…..You died on the cross of calvary Just to wash away my sins,And bring me to the lime light of salvation..!
Song 3.
I have assurance, in the blood of Jesus,
I have assurance, in the blood of Jesus
He washes me….!
Am white as snow….,
The lamb that was slain on calvary.