Diadem Multimedia International presents the fantabulous visuals for “Ebube Dike” by fast rising gospel artiste, Tinuade.

“Ebube Dike” an Igbo  phrase which roughly translates as “Glorious Warrior” is an excellently written and produced worship song you’ll love on the first listen. The song emphasizes the mightiness of God.

Shot and edited by veteran cinematographer, video director and colourist, Akin Alabi“Ebube Dike” is track 11 on Tinuade’s superb debut album titled “Adore” available on all music streaming platforms.

Without further ado, tap on the link below to enjoy the full beautifulness of “Ebube Dike” music video.


Twitter: @TinuadeIlesanmi

Instagram: @OfficialTinuadeIlesanmi

Facebook: Official Tinuade

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