Good good Father is more than just a song. It is a movement. A movement that is geared towards making God known as ‘a Good God’, a good Father that cares for his children.
Good good Father is a song that was birthed out of a heart that wants to tell of the goodness of God to as many that care to listen. It is very important that we as believers come to the point where we come to know God as ‘A good father’.
“The key passage that inspired this song/movement is Matthew 7:9-11. It gives a clear description of how our earthly parents can be and how God is. If our human parents, would not give us harmful things when we ask for anything, how much more our heavenly Father. Oh! How I love the phrase, ‘how much more’. That’s how good our Daddy in heaven is. God bless you” – Simon Mshelia.
Good Good Father was produced by Dr. Sirme at the Magic5ive studios.
*COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER* We do not own this song nor the images featured on this Blog. All rights belong to its original owner/owners. No copyright infringement intended. For promotional purposes only.
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Facebook: Simon Mshelia Instagram: mshelsimon
You remain the same
You are so faithful, you are a good God
Good good God (x2)
From the beginning of time you have been so good
Loving, gracious and merciful
Faithful and true, that is who you are
I can testify of your goodness, Grace and mercy,
Favor over me, family and friends
Your goodness all around
I cannot contain it
I will not be silent
I will lift my hands, lift my voice and declare
Your goodness is forever
Good good father you are
Goodness is forever
Good good God
You’ve been good and your mercy is forever
You’ve been good and your mercy is forever
You’ve been good and your mercy is forever
You’ve been good and your mercy is forever
You remain the same
You are so faithful, you are a good God
Good good God (x4)
You’re a good good Father
You’re a good good father
You’re a good good father
And you will never change (x4)
You remain the same
You are so faithful, you are a good God
Good good God (x4)