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Popular Mainstream Rapper Kendrick Lamar Says: ‘Because of the State of the World My Next Album Will FOCUS On God’ By Henry Talker


Popular Mainstream Rapper Kendrick Lamar Says: ‘Because of the State of the World His Next Album Will FOCUS On God. By Henry talker
In a recent interview with The New York Times, Lamar spoke about the creative direction for his upcoming album. He said “God” is the “biggest missing component in life” so that is who the album will be focused around.
“I think now, how wayward things have gone within the past few months, my focus is ultimately going back to my community and the other communities around the world where they’re doing the groundwork. ‘To Pimp a Butterfly’ was addressing the problem. I’m in a space now where I’m not addressing the problem anymore,” he told the outlet. “We’re in a time where we exclude one major component out of this whole thing called life: God. Nobody speaks on it because it’s almost in conflict with what’s going on in the world when you talk about politics and government and the system.”
Lamar reflected on his family, in particular his younger brothers and when asked if the record will focus solely on religion, he replied, “It’s very urgent.”
“At one point in time I may have a little girl who grows up and tells me about her engagements with a male figure — things that most men don’t want to hear. Learning to accept it, and not run away from it, that’s how I want this album to feel,” he concluded.
The 29-year-old has not released any further information about the direction of the new album but he will be joining the likes of Kanye West and Chance the Rapper by using his faith and religious themes in their music.
Lamar has infused his music in the past with examples of his faith. His albums Good Kid, m.A.A.d City featured prayers and to To Pimp A Butterfly talked about God in the song .
“How Much a Dollar Cost?”
After the 2017 Grammy Awards, Lamer also praised God for fellow emcee Chance the Rapper’s historic win, as the first streaming artist to win a Grammy. Chance shared a screengrab on Instagram of the message.
“Congrats bro. God is moving,” Lamar wrote in the message, to which Chance replied, “He is! Love you brother!”
A seven time Grammy award winner, Lamar has also spoken about his faith being rooted in the Bible many times, and his Love for God.

New Music: NellieJoy – DIDE


Giving God praise doesn’t get any better than this!! Omotayo Nellie Joy is an amazing vocalist with a heart of worship unto God. Her songwriting gift has given birth to this inspiring song of Praise, Dide (Arise) is a song that lifts the heart of all and sundry to remember the Goodness and mercy that God bestows upon us day by day.
This is a song that you are definitely want to wake up to on a daily basis for some time to come. Produced by T-Fash for T-Fash Entertainment.
Arise and give God Praise. DIDE!!!



Good Morning Beloved! 
*_For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring (Acts 17:28)._*
   When you were born again, you were born into the environment called “Christ”; you dwell in Him. The Bible says, *_“…if any man be in Christ…”_* (2 Corinthians 5:17). Christ is a place, and He’s also a person. He’s your home. In Him, you’re at rest and at peace! You’re safe, secure, and fulfilled; your joy and satisfaction overflow. What a place to be! 
   Ephesians 2:6 tells us that God has made us sit together in heavenly places, “in Christ”; that’s your environment; an environment of glory. It brings to mind the account of the Israelites, as they journeyed in the wilderness for forty years. The heat didn’t scorch them by day, neither did they freeze to death in the biting cold at night, because they were in the glory cloud. Exodus 13:21-22 says, *_“…the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.”_* 
   The Holy Spirit made this possible for them, and He does the same for us today. You were born into God’s spiritual cloud when you were born again; you were immersed into Christ; you live there now. Your life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). Christ is your security, your defence, and your fortress. It makes no difference who or what may come against you, refuse to fear. You dwell in the secret place of the Most High, where you’re untouchable. No evil can befall you!
    Psalm 91:7 says, *_“A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.”_* You’re divinely protected and preserved from trouble, defeat, failure, and death, because you’re in Him. “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day” (Psalm 91:5).
*Dear Father, I thank you for bringing me into the environment of glory and success in Christ! I’m at home in Him; He’s my wisdom, righteousness and strength! He’s my life; in Him I live, and move and have my being. Hallelujah!*
*1 Corinthians 1:30 KJV*
But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
*Acts 17:28 KJV*
For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
*Colossians 1:26-27 KJV*
Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: [27] To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
Acts 13:13-52, Nehemiah 9-10
Luke 5:1-11, Deuteronomy 26
Have a fulfilled Day!

Gospel singer Jonathan McReynolds says he’s ready to give away $10,000 in college scholarships by Henry Talker


Gospel singer Jonathan McReynolds says he’s ready to give away $10,000 in college scholarships by Henry Talker
McReynolds, the gospel music singer-songwriter is to give $10,000 for scholarships, for those in need through his Elihu Nation nonprofit organization.
He made the announcement on
social media , letting students know they can submit their applications starting on July 1.
Some facts about Mc Revnolds
McReynolds started the Elihu Nation nonprofit in 2013 after being inspired by his graduate studies at the Moody Bible Institute where he earned a master of arts degree in applied biblical studies two years ago. After seeing what he believed to be a lack of encouragement for people in the African-American community to develop their
talents in college,
McReynolds went to his own undergraduate alma mater, Columbia College in Chicago, Illinois, where he became an adjunct.

Gospel Singer Kirk Franklin to Perform at GRAMMY Salute to Music Legends Tribute Concert. By Henry Talker


Gospel Singer Kirk Franklin to Perform at GRAMMY Salute to Music Legends Tribute Concert. By Henry Talker 
GRAMMY Salute to Music Legends will celebrate the outstanding contributions made by this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award honorees, Trustees Award honorees, and recipients of the Technical GRAMMY Award and Music Educator Award™ with never-seen performances by those they’ve inspired. The tribute concert will air on PBS later this year, as part of their “Great Performances” series.

Music: Olowogbogboro – Nathaniel Bassey feat Wale Adenuga


One of the most and highly anticipated song is finally out. Nathaniel Bassey teams up with Wale Adenuga to serve us this great piece titled “Olowogbogboro”.  The song title was made popular through the birth of the Hallelujah Challenge which has got the world talking and attracted the attention of international reporters
Listen, download and share

Sammy King Preps for the release of “Living Water”


living wters
Sammy King Preps for the release of “Living Water” 
The anticipation keeps rising as we await the release of Living Water by Sammy King “The greatest wish of a man is having his/her heart desire met” These were the words that inspired Sammy king to write this song.
Sammy king by God’s grace is a music artist, a writer and music director; He is one of the dynamic and inspirational speakers of our generation, transforming live’s through Music (a soul winner) and a coach to so many youth. By profession, a cinematographer but has deep passion for gospel music.
He is one of the top soloist in the largest choir in the world and has several awards. Sammy king, undoubtedly is really gifted with God’s love and Grace, an amiable fellow for lovers of God, With all humility,
He is ever willing to listen & adhere to instructions that are directed accordingly through God’s leading. He is a culled out vessel only for the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. All to God’s glory alone.
Anticipate “Living Water” as it DROPS SOON.

FOTUD (Fellowship of the Undefiled) Presents: Wine of Worship 6 | @FOTUD @Grandmince


Wine of Worship 6 G2
FOTUD (Fellowship of the Undefiled) Presents: Wine of Worship 6 | @FOTUD @Grandmince

Wine of worship is a time set aside by God to influence the world with His divine presence through music ministrations. It is more than just singing of songs it is a time divinely orchestrated by God.
We believe God that this event will be full of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, we have been told by God that many across the globe will receive healing, miracles and deliverance from the bondage of the adversary. Many will speak in new tongues and many will rekindle their relationship with the Holy Spirit. It’s a time of intimacy, a time to take our lives to the next and higher level of total worship, prosperity and success.
Last year was a huge success as we stormed the city of Kano in a unique way. With more than 2,000 worshipers, God took control and did what man couldn’t do. We humbly urge you all to participate in this live worship event because we sure know, there is a knowing in our spirit that your lives will never remain the same.
Theme: Intimate Worship
Guest Speaker: Prophet Ishmael (Ghana)
Music by: Yemi Gold (Abuja), Emly Ok (Kaduna)
Host: Pastor and Pastor Mrs. Gabriel E. Solomon
Date: July 16th, 2017.
Time: 3pm
Venue: Word of Faith Christian Centre, Kano, Nigeria.
Pass: Free
For sponsorship and participation contact:
Email: fotud@yahoomail.com
Mobile: 08065415722
Come one, come all.

#VictoryEverydayDevotional by: Pastors Olumese & Ogechi Edward Olumese MONDAY 26TH | @pstolumese @ogechiolumese |


by: Pastors Olumese & Ogechi Edward Olumese MONDAY 26TH | @pstolumese @ogechiolumese |
-Pastor Olumese
Galatians 3:13-14 (KJV), “Christ hast redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written: Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree. That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
The good news of the Gospel is a substantial truth that makes us realize the bad news of who we were and how imminent and desperately we needed someone to redeem us from the curse of the law. Thank God for Jesus. God so loved us that He couldn’t have allowed us to continue under the weight of the mistake of Adam, and so He sent Jesus Christ to reconnect us to the blessing by such an amazing Grace. The gospel is so simple; it is all about the love of God. Do you believe the gospel? Have you accepted the love of God in Christ?
We may never enjoy the benefit of an instrument until we understand the tangible need for it. So also we may not fall at the feet of Jesus Christ until we understand the depravity of our own heart and the judgment that will be exerted by a just God in the end. Romans 3:10b tells us, “…There is none righteous, no not one.” The Bible goes on in Romans 3:20 to says, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in His sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.”  Keeping the Ten Commandments in its totality is not your justification before God. Men may be carried away by deeds, but not God.  John 5:39 (NLT) says, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to Me.” A diligent study of the Scriptures does not make God look into your direction either except you find and accept God’s love revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. 
Dear friend, the Bible is clear in its terms and we must follow suit. There is only one way by which we have been redeemed from the curse of the law. It is Christ Jesus. Believe and trusting absolutely in Him gives us the benefits we ought to enjoy as children of the Most High God. You don’t have to suffer one more day, believe in Jesus Christ today!
FURTHER STUDY: Acts 15:11, “But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.”
ACTION POINT: Believe in the grace of Jesus Christ.
#GoodNews: As we begin the 2nd quarter of 2017, we want to start with thanksgiving. Join us for MID-YEAR THANKSGIVING this Sunday at 9am with Folake Jesu leading praise! See you there!


Good Morning Beloved!
RHAPSODY OF REALITIES – Saturday, 24 June 2017
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee (Isaiah 60:1).
The Word of God is the light of life. Turn the light on, and you’ll see the unseen; you’ll see the realities of the spirit realm. Suddenly, you’ll discover that everything you thought was missing wasn’t missing. You’ll realize that you actually have in abundance everything you thought you never had. Once you turn the light of God on, never turn it off again. You’re called to walk in that light: in the light of His righteousness, His redemption, His justification, His wisdom, and His prosperity; you’re to walk in the light of the new creation. 
Sometimes, when studying or listening to God’s Word, you seem to leave this world. The things of this life: the pains, the darkness, the disappointments, and the crises of life just seem to fade away. Don’t think it’s just a mirage; you’ve been transported of the Holy Ghost to the true realm of life. Don’t say, “Well, as I listened to the Word during the service, I thought I was in heaven, but now I’m back to reality.” Returning to reality in this sense would mean going back into darkness. Hold on to what you’ve received. Say, “The glory that I saw in the Word is the real thing. I hold on to it.” Glory to God! 
Do you want to see who you really are and what you have? Turn the light of God on. There’s a lot you’ll never see if you’re using the light of the sun or earthly electricity. The light of God—the true light—shows you that you’re in divine health; it shows you the perfect will of God, and all that you are in Him. See yourself the way God sees you: an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ!
The Word of God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. As I see with the light of the Word, I see myself as the royalty that I am, victorious, prosperous, healthy, wise, and strong, and I walk in the light of this truth.
2 Corinthians 4:6 
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to [give] the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 
John 8:12 
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 
1-Year Bible Reading Plan:
Acts 11:1-18, 
Ezra 9-10
2-Year Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 3:23-38, 
Deuteronomy 22
Happy Weekend!